Overview of Plumbing System Program
In the plumbing calculations as well as the energy consumption calculations for pumps and hot water heating systems, BEST takes into account the water consumption. This makes it possible to assess the reductions for both energy and water consumption not only in design, but also at operational and renovation stage. For plumbing it is possible to compare the energy and water consumption different fixtures (conventional type and water-saving type) for the popular systems (elevated water tank system, pressurized water supply system etc).
In addition, water level fluctuations for the elevated water tank and receiving tank can be calculated by changing their capacities. By utilizing the rainfall data of all countries/areas it is possible to calculate overall building rainwater use, the amount of water to be added to the rainwater and gray water tank, the water contents of those tanks, rainwater use ratio and rainwater alternative use ratio.
In hot water supply equipment systems, on the basis of central type hot water supply system, hot water load, its energy consumption, its thermal loss quantity throughout the distribution system and tanks can be calculated. The high efficiency hot water supply system and solar thermal hot water supply system to be integrated in program near future.
▲e.g. Diagram of Plumbing System Program